Construction Building Rules & Regulations
The Contractor shall be responsible for meeting these performance requirements throughout the course of the Work. Exceptions shall only be allowed at RMR’s discretion and with RMR’s prior written approval.
The following activities are specifically PROHIBITED from occurring on RMR’s property and cannot be undertaken by any Contractor or Subcontractor:
- Accessing tenant space without approval and/or RMR escort, if applicable
- Use of tenant equipment
- Using or sitting on any Tenant’s furnishings or equipment
- Unauthorized use of any and all building equipment, including but not limited to, elevators, utilities, trash compactor, dumpster, etc.
- Unauthorized removal of building property
- Intentionally harming or destroying any property
- Unauthorized parking in restricted areas
- Unauthorized on-site storage
- Consumption of alcohol or possession of controlled substances on site
- Unauthorized congregation in building common areas
- Cooking or quantity food preparation on site
- Eating or coffee breaks in tenant or common areas
- Smoking in the building (smoking in designated areas on property only)
- Sleeping in the building or on the property
- Unauthorized use of building restroom areas
- Objectionable, abusive, or unacceptable personal behavior of Contractor’s personnel or physically or verbally abusing any individual who works or visits the building.
- Improper disposal of wastes, residues, or debris
- Loud noises on site considered by RMR as objectionable
- Access to non-work areas
- Worker interviews
- Roof access without prior notification and escort by one of the RMR personnel.
- Possession of firearms, explosives, or weapons
- Gambling of any type
- Duplication of building keys or distribution to unauthorized persons.
- Providing access for unauthorized persons to any non-public areas of property/building
- Violating any Local, State or Federal Statues while on the property.
A. Access Procedures
- Contractors must notify RMR 24 hours prior to working outside of or beyond normal business hours which are Monday through Friday, 6:00 am to 6:00 pm.
- Contractor must notify RMR at least 48 hours in advance to access utility rooms or for any system shut downs (electric, gas, sprinkler, etc.).
- If tenant spaces must be accessed, Contractor must provide notice to RMR at least one (1) week in advance. Certain tenant spaces may require an escort or security clearance and may require longer advance notice.
- All lights must be turned off and all points of access secured at the end of each day.
- Construction workers must be in uniform or display a Contractor's badge at all times while on the property.
- Contractor must provide all contact information for the project manager(s), superintendent(s) and all foremen to RMR. A foreman must be in the building at any time that his/her crews are working.
- Workers are allowed only on the floors where construction is actually taking place.
- Construction personnel will only use the approved restrooms. The construction team will keep the facilities clean at all times. If problem arise from improper use of the facilities, portable toilets will be required at Contractor’s expense at a location designated by RMR.
- RMR is not required to provide parking to any Contractor or Subcontractor. If parking is provided, Contractor must park only in designated area(s).
- Loading Dock (as applicable): During normal business hours, use of the Loading Dock is limited to 20 minutes for loading and unloading and for no other purpose. If the Loading Dock is needed during non-business hours, please contact RMR. No storage of materials is allowed within the Loading Dock or immediate area. Material and supplies must be immediately delivered to tenant or construction space. ABSOLUTELY NO PARKING ALLOWED WITHIN THE LOADING DOCK. VIOLATORS WILL BE TOWED AT THEIR EXPENSE.
B. Elevators (as applicable)
- Only designated freight/padded elevators will be used to carry equipment/materials. Use of passenger elevators is not permitted.
- Prior to the commencement of construction, a pre-inspection and documentation of existing conditions of interior cab finishes is required by representatives of both Contractor and RMR.
- Elevators will be cleaned at the end of each day.
- Elevator tracks will be kept clean at all times; floor covering will be covered with Masonite or other suitable material. No tape on finishes!
- Elevator door bucks will be protected on the floor that construction work is in progress.
- Contractor must provide 24 hour advance notice to reserve freight elevator.
- Freight elevators may be taken out of service from 20 minutes to one-hour intervals on prior request to RMR and only with the on-site supervision of RMR personnel.
- Carting material on top of the elevator or tampering with its components is strictly prohibited.
- Prior to and after construction, elevator hoistways will be inspected for cleanliness. Conditions will be documented by RMR, Contractor, and Elevator Contractor. If hoistway is found to be in need of a clean down as a direct cause of construction dust and debris, it will be cleaned by RMR’s Elevator Contractor at the sole cost of the Contractor.
C. Building Trash Dumpsters and Regulated Waste Removal
- No construction or demolition material of any kind is to be put in building dumpsters, trash compactors or recycling containers.
- Contractor’s dumpster location must be approved in advance and must be set on plywood.
- Construction trash will be removed by the Contractor daily from the project area and site.
- Contractor is prohibited from storing material on site without prior approval of RMR.
- It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to remove any and all regulated waste (i.e. used oil, paints or solvents) generated by the Contractor or its subcontractor from the building or property. Contractor shall legally and properly dispose of all waste and provide proof to RMR (bill of lading or manifest). Improper disposal of wastes, residues or debris could result in immediate dismissal from the premises.
D. Protection Systems
- In the event that any fire and life safety system will need to be disabled to complete work, the Contractor must notify RMR at least 12 hours in advance and follow impairment procedures.
- Building fire alarm system will be called out by RMR personnel ONLY for additions, changes and/or repairs. The Contractor shall not tamper with the building's life safety and sprinkler system.
- In the event that any welding, soldering, or open flame apparatus is required to complete the Work, the Contractor must notify RMR of such event with 24 hours of notification. The building fire alarm system must be disabled, and Contractor must follow RMR’s hot work procedures and all procedures to stand a fire watch.
- Smoke detectors in affected area must be covered with a plastic bag at the beginning of each work day, but must be removed at the end of each work day as well.
- Contractor must use base building fire alarm vendor as designated by Fire Potomac for all programming and final fire alarm tie-in.
- Contractor must check in with RMR to verify “green” fire alarm panel at the end of each day prior to leaving jobsite.
- Fire suppression systems including but not limited to fire pump, jockey pumps, etc. shall be back in “auto” or “manual” position.
E. Core Drilling
- No core drilling, hammer drilling, jack hammering, shooting track or any other disruptive work will be permitted between the hours of 7:30 am and 6:00 pm unless approved in advance.
- GPR must be performed on any and all areas requiring penetrations prior to performing work. X-ray is not permitted unless required by Fire Potomac and may only be performed between the hours of 11:00 pm and 5:00 am. If GPR is inconclusive, engagement of a structural engineer to approve GPR or X-ray films are at the sole cost of the contractor.
- Contractor and all Subcontractors shall not use anchors in excess of ¾” without x-raying the area prior to installation.
- All cable passing through a plenum ceiling must plenum rated.
- When passing through a firewall or demising wall, the hole must be sleeved and fire stopped.
- All cables must be run in the cable trays or hung per code from the ceiling approximately every six feet.
All electrical panels are to be labeled when new work is completed under the direction of RMR at the Contractor's expense.
- Contractors are not to sit or stand on building equipment.
- As applicable, Contractor must use base building energy management system control contractor as designated by RMR for all HVAC control work.
- It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to isolate the heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems of the Work Site from the remainder of the building. Under no circumstances shall the Contractor utilize materials such as, but not limited to, cleaning agents, paint, thinners, or adhesives that, if released in the work site atmosphere, could spread to tenants areas, causing discomfort or posing any type of health hazard during normal business hours between 7:00 am and 6:00 pm.
- Filter media must be used to prevent construction dust from contaminating building ductwork, equipment and adjacent areas. Contractor must protect all other HVAC equipment from construction dust and debris and to be returned to RMR in good working order.
I. Roof
- All roof work must be performed by the building’s authorize roof warranty contractor, and Contractor must provide 24 hour prior notice to RMR.
- Contractor shall install building standard locksets only. RMR will provide key type, key way, and bit list. ALL keys and locks shall fall under the building master and sub-master keying system.
- All keys and locks removed during construction will be turned over to RMR with room numbers attached. Unused hardware shall also be turned over to RMR.
- Doors and frames to be protected as well as sidelights.
A. General Requirements
- Contractor shall perform all work in accordance with local codes.
- Permits and Inspection Notices must be clearly posted at site entrance.
- Contractor signage may be posted at site entrance(s) only and may not exceed 24”x36” (for site identification only).
- At completion of work, the Contractor shall ensure that all surfaces are clean and unmarked.
- Contractor shall repair all damages caused by him or his subcontractors during construction.
- All breakers, fuses and switches shall be marked to designate the equipment or areas which the circuit serves. This will be completed under the direction of RMR personnel.
- Window coverings and sills, and baseboard heaters must be wrapped and protected.
- Utility sinks are to be cleaned daily if used. At no time are paintbrushes to be cleaned in utility sinks using paint thinner. Contractor agrees not to dispose of thinner down any drain. Standard waste only!
- Areas not under construction, but affected by construction, including lobbies and corridors, are to be protected; floors and carpet are to be covered with masonite or equal; dust barriers shall be erected where necessary for added protection.
- Construction firms shall provide their own trash cans for empty bottles, cans, and food wrappings. These shall be emptied daily.
- Absolutely no flammables shall be stored on the premises. This includes oil-based paint, paint thinner, varsol, etc.
- Contractor and all Subcontractors shall provide SDS Sheets for all products used at the premises. This includes paint products, cleaning products, etc.
- Contractor and all Subcontractors shall not use any odor causing products between 7:00 am and 6:00 pm, Monday - Friday. This includes polymix and oil based paint products, stains and varnishes, etc.
- All existing equipment is the property of RMR, including but not limited to doors, hardware, HVAC equipment, light fixtures, appliances, millwork, etc. Representatives from both Contractor and RMR to devise a disposal plan prior to any demolition or remove of such.
- RMR reserves the right to inspect work at any time and may reject work that is not code compliant, does not conform to construction documents, or work that may affect or alter the exterior appearance, structural components or service systems of the building.
Click here for a PDF version of the Contractor Rules & Regulations